District: Turbat Postcode

Turbat is a district in Balochistan, Pakistan. Here you can find the postal information, postal code, and administrative division in Turbat.

Turbat Postal Information

Country: Pakistan
Province: Balochistan

Tehsils & Postcode in Turbat

Here we list all the tehsils and postal codes in Turbat, You can click the link to get more information.

Tehsil Postcode
Absar 82601
Asiabad 92610
Badizamran 92801
Balicha 90350
Balnigore 94051
Bonistan 93001
Buleda 92800
Bullo 92101
Chasar 82601
Degari Kehn 82601
Doshat Kuddan 82601
Gawadar 91200
Gawak 92101
Geshkore 92700
Ghichk 93001
