District: Rawalakot Postcode

Rawalakot is a district in Azad Kashmir, Pakistan. Here you can find the postal information, postal code, and administrative division in Rawalakot.

Rawalakot Postal Information

Country: Pakistan
Province: Azad Kashmir

Tehsils & Postcode in Rawalakot

Here we list all the tehsils and postal codes in Rawalakot, You can click the link to get more information.

Tehsil Postcode
Aakhorban 12161
Abbas Pur 12200
Akramabad 12161
Ali Sojal 12252
Aliabad 12211
Androte 12301
Anhari 12081
Azizabad 12311
Ban Baikh Bazar 12251
Bana Kha 12421
Banjosa 12262
Barriot 12081
Bassian 12211
Behari 12441
Behdi 12211
