District: Mirpur Postcode

Mirpur is a district in Azad Kashmir, Pakistan. Here you can find the postal information, postal code, and administrative division in Mirpur.

Mirpur Postal Information

Country: Pakistan
Province: Azad Kashmir

Tehsils & Postcode in Mirpur

Here we list all the tehsils and postal codes in Mirpur, You can click the link to get more information.

Tehsil Postcode
Afzal Pur 10360
Aghar 11101
Ainti 11015
Ajk Board Of Education Mirpur 10240
Akal Garh 10470
Ali Beg 10381
Andarla Kothera 11211
Anhoi Sarhota 11111
Asif Abad 10491
Balloh 10531
Banni 10370
Baran Bhatta 11015
Barigurha 11011
Baroian 11011
Batli 10321
