District: Khuzdar Postcode

Khuzdar is a district in Balochistan, Pakistan. Here you can find the postal information, postal code, and administrative division in Khuzdar.

Khuzdar Postal Information

Country: Pakistan
Province: Balochistan

Tehsils & Postcode in Khuzdar

Here we list all the tehsils and postal codes in Khuzdar, You can click the link to get more information.

Tehsil Postcode
Ahmed Abad 88301
Arif Wala 90051
Baghbana 89101
Bajawi 89101
Basima 88420
Bela 90050
Bhawani 90251
Buet 89120
Chamrok 89130
Civic Centre Hub 90260
Daro Hotel 90251
Darzak 88301
Dasht Daman 88201
Dullay 88201
Dureji 90251
